Feed Truck Operator

Position includes loading mixer truck with a wheel loader with commodities based on a prescribed ration, followed by delivery to suggested pens via Performance Beefs* IPAD/IOS based feeding program. If this job appeals to you with a competitive wage, please inquire via email at dobsonperformance@gmail.com 

Herd Health management

Herd health is done on horse back, horses are kept and fed on the premises, must have: 

An eye for cattle behavior.
Skills required to identify and treat various cattle ailments using computer-based med logic from VAHS.
Cattle handling experience etc.
competitive wage based on experience If this job interests you with a competitive wage, please email resume to: dobsonperformance@gmailcom.

Yard Operator/ Labourer

Several positions available. Applicants are expected to have the skills operate/do: 

Cattle processing and handling

Skid steer

Wheel loader

Agriculture MFWD tractors with multiple attachments (pen grooming)

Grease equipment regularly 


Bale shredding 

Bale hauling 

water bowl maintenance

And much more 

Competitive wages based on experience  

If you think you have the required skills and willingness to learn, please email dobsonperformance@gmail.com